Cancer cells, causes, signs, types and symptoms.


Cancer is the second in the leading causes of death however this number is decreasing due to early screening, prevention measures and healthy lifestyle living. Cancer is the name given to more than 1OO diseases that occur as a result of cells growing uncontrollably and destroying body tissue. The cells form a tumour which is in form of a mass however not all tumours are cancerous, the cancerous one is referred to as malignant meaning it can grow and spread in other parts of the body. When a tumour is referred to as benign it means that it’s not cancerous and it can grow at a very low rate but not spread to other parts of the body. There are also other types of cancers that don’t form tumours for example leukaemias. 

Causes of Cancer.

Scientists believe that there is no one cause of cancer but there are factors that…

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